Million Grid Business Solutions
Over 25 years collective experience in the fields of Business Services
We are here to help you succeed
We work directly with multiple Private Investors and commercial bank lenders on an international level.
Our innovative structure funding includes bridge, mezzanine, land and construction as well as sale-leasebacks and security-backed loans.
We recognize the importance of speed and that funding a project must be structured around each client's unique set of financial circumstances.
Many of our investors are not known or accessible by the public and include wealthy families and individuals, private equity firms, hedge funds, venture capital firms, investment companies, and other private and institutional investors.
We are committed to fulfilling your needs with the highest level of professionalism, expertise and service.

Our Services
The 21 century has changed the way people do business and live.
Looking for the ultimate Lifestyle, low tax rates, or a visa that enables visa free travel to over 150 countries - We are your partner of choice!
Whether you are doing business in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas or elsewhere, our partners will set up the best trading or holding structure for your business in line with local laws and regulations.
Our professional services include but are not limited to the following.
We provide expertise and support to help you:
conduct business in the global market smoothly
maximize opportunities and achieve long-term sustainability
reduced taxation
secure intellectual property
fewer restrictions
access to tax treaties
enhanced assets
political stability
We provide expertise and support conducting business in global market smoothly, maximize opportunities and achieve long-term sustainability
Services Offered To You

Business Strategy, Consulting & Marketing Services
New product launches, Marketing plans or Executive support, we have a qualified team ready to partner with you

Business Templates & Venture Capital Partners
All Business and Legal Templates ready made and easy to use to ensure your business has the best possible presentations

Private Lenders & Financing Solutions
Over 1200 Active Private Investors registered and on standby to partner you