Golden Visa, Residency & 2nd Passport Options

Researching your options in terms of Golden Visa programmes available together with Investment and Citizenship Country Options?


Golden Visas facilitates the acquisition of residency, immigration and citizenship through investment.

We make what looks like an expensive and difficult option, affordable and complex free. With clients from more than 100 countries worldwide and over 18 program options, we understand your reasons and we have the best solution for your needs.

In an increasingly global yet uncertain world, investing for second residency and citizenship has seen a surge in demand.

Today’s Golden Visa has become an essential requirement for many high net worth families.

Let us help you achieve your goals.


Our Services

Find out more about the available schemes in our Golden Visa Programme Summary below, or contact us by registering to discuss your immigration needs today.

Here are various countries, both in the EU and beyond, offering some form of a programme whereby you can obtain either residency, or even citizenship, by means of investing in property or by starting a business.

Even better – you can obtain EU residency rights for your spouse or children, without the need to invest in property or actually settle in the EU to achieve this.

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About Us

Whether you’re obtaining a second citizenship outright or acquiring permanent residency through a Golden Visa Programme, establishing a footprint abroad is a process.
We have streamlined this process to make your application simple and easy.

Most of our clients obtain their residency rights by applying over a period of 4 months, depending on the exact jurisdiction.
Our approach is distinctly hands-on – we accompany you to your European host jurisdiction to ensure your application experience fast and seamless


Bespoke Offers

We create tailor-made solutions to meet your exact residency and citizenship needs.

When a customer has completed their registration and payment, Your Immigration applicant becomes a client of our Immigration lawyers in the country you are wanting to immigrate to.

The very first thing he/she will receive from the firm is the firm's Immigration preliminary package, which contains all of the necessary forms, document checklists, instructions and information to enable the client to commence the Immigration Application process with your attorney's assistance.


Citizenship by investment programmes will grant immediate citizenship to applicants and their families. That means qualification for a second passport and hence their incredible popularity amongst our clients for the international travel possibilities they present.

The Caribbean and Vanuatu programmes offer visa free access to over 100 countries through their passports. In Europe the programmes of Cyprus and Malta mean citizenship not just of those countries but the European citizenship benefits that come with it, meaning the ability to work travel and study anywhere in Europe.


There are several residency by investment programmes in Europe that grant residency, often through real estate investment but without the requirement to reside.

These programmes are especially popular with investors not wishing to emigrate and move their family but require flexibility should the need ever reside.

They often come with accompanying travel freedom across the EU Schengen zone. Eventually if permanent residency is undertaken by the investor and their family then citizenship of the country can usually be applied for.



Migrating permanently is a far greater decision for the applicant and their family. The acquisition of permanent residency through investment often means the start of a new life in a new country. Business, education and tax residency are just some of the considerations.

Of the three programme categories this usually involves a greater application challenge and ultimate decision for the applicant.

However many of the residency by investment programmes offer a softer, more gradual route to migrating permanently with a flexible approach to temporary residency leading to permanent residency and potential citizenship.

London bridge

Other Options to Consider

If you are looking for visa-free travel throughout Europe, residency in a European country will give you access to all 26 Schengen Area member states for up to 90 days, without internal border checks or any requirement for additional documents.
New Zealand
Malta & others


Citizenship provides visa-free travel to as many as 152 nations. With year-round sunshine, rich cultures and a relaxed attitude to life, the Caribbean is an understandably attractive proposition for investors from all over the world.
Visa-free travel to as many as 152 countries
Application process from 60 days
Investment options from USD$100,000
Little or no physical presence requirement
Good transport links with US and Europe
Residency through Investment
If you are looking for visa-free travel throughout Europe, residency in a European country will give you access to all 26 Schengen Area member states for up to 90 days, without internal border checks or any requirement for additional documents.

Countries offer second citizenship programmes – that is to say, the potential option to buy citizenship outright by means of property or business investment, or by making a contribution to government-prescribed development funds or causes:
The UK

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